Apple Park, Hirosaki

Sunday, May 2, 2010

hana yori dango

The sakura are finally in bloom! yay! and as much as I love those adorable little flowers, what I really had been looking forward to was the sakura festival and all it's wonderful food stands ^_^ Thus I truly believe in the old saying 花より団子 (hana yori dango = "food before flowers")

But seriously, the sakura season is awesome, albeit short. And no matter how many pictures I take, they can't do justice to being in the presence of the real thing. There is just something very satisfying about walking under hundreds of sakura trees in a row. They are romance, beauty, and joy all rolled into one. I can totally understand why Japan is so in love with them.

I apologize for any loud noise in the background of this video. The festival is a busy and happening place ;)